Editorial Board and Reviewers | Multidisciplinary Psychology: A Journal of Collaboration | University of Louisiana Monroe

Multidisciplinary Psychology: A Journal of Collaboration



William McCown, University of Louisiana Monroe

Editorial Board

  • Burton Ashworth, University of Louisiana Monroe
  • Mkay Bonner, University of Louisiana Monroe
  • Rick Stevens, University of Louisiana Monroe
  • Seth Tackett, University of Louisiana Monroe

Distinguished Reviewers

At Multidisciplinary Psychology: A Journal of Collaboration, we are honored to collaborate with an esteemed panel of reviewers, each bringing their unique expertise and academic background to enhance the quality and rigor of our peer-review process. We take immense pride in presenting our distinguished reviewers:

  1. Rachel Allen

    Affiliation: University of Louisiana Monroe

    Subspecialty: Marriage and Family Therapy

  2. Kayla Henry

    Affiliation: Louisiana Tech University

    Subspecialties: Counseling, Assessment (Child and Adult), Law Enforcement/First Responders/Corrections, Mental Health & Diagnosis, Teaching

  3. Lacy Hitt

    Affiliation: Grambling State University

    Subspecialty: Education

  4. Janelle McDaniel

    Affiliation: University of Louisiana Monroe

    Subspecialties: Behavioral Neuroscience, Experimental Psychology

  5. Krista Nelson

    Affiliation: Southern Arkansas University

    Subspecialties: Counseling Psychology, General Psychology

  6. Elizabeth Ragland

    Affiliation: University of Louisiana Monroe

    Subspecialty: Business and Management

  7. Megan Dibenedetto

    Affiliation: University of Central Arkansas

    Subspecialty: Counseling Psychology

  8. Ida Chauvin

    Affiliation: Louisiana Tech University

    Subspecialties: Counseling Psychology, Counselor Education

  9. Alice Brawly Newlin

    Affiliation: Gettysburg College

    Subspecialties: I/O Psychology and Management

These distinguished individuals, hailing from esteemed institutions, bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our peer-review process, ensuring the scholarly rigor and integrity of the research we publish. Their dedication to advancing the field of psychology is invaluable to our journal's mission. We extend our deepest gratitude to our esteemed reviewers for their unwavering commitment to academic excellence and collaboration.