"Social Media Impact on Entrepreneurship Intention: Lessons Learned fro" by Panagiotis Mallios, Leonidas Zampetakis et al.


The potential impact of social media use on the development of entrepreneurial intention has received little attention. In addressing this gap, research reported herein extends entrepreneurial intention literature by explicitly incorporating social media use. Inquiry investigates development of intention via specific social media factors that influence intention through its antecedents, namely, perceived entrepreneurial desirability and perceived entrepreneurial feasibility. The article summarizes the salient aspects of a quantitative study of social media usage and startup entrepreneurial intention in Greece. Based on the entrepreneurship event model, theory of planned behavior and technology acceptance and adoption models, this article examines potential social media effects on entrepreneurial intention of new emerging startup teams and founders within the Greek startup ecosystem. A sample of 528 startuppers has provided remarkable insight regarding direct and indirect influences between social media use and entrepreneurial intention.
