ASBE Conference | Journal of Business & Enterpreneurship | University of Louisiana Monroe


2022 ASBE Call For Papers Deadline:

January 31, 2022

Held in Conjunction with Federation of Business Disciplines

Presentation Dates:  March 3rd – 4th, 2022


Conference Chair: Arturo Rodriguez (;  318 342-1202)


Submit competitive papers focusing on entrepreneurship and small business and proposals for panels, symposia, and workshops related to entrepreneurship, small business, and pedagogy to the conference chair. Competitive papers include empirical studies, conceptual papers, and cases.


  1. All papers and proposals must be submitted in MS Word format to Arturo Rodriguez at . Email or call (318 342-1202) if you do not receive a submission confirmation within two days of submitting.

  2. Competitive papers should be double-spaced and 5,000-9,000 words in length, exclusive of references and appendices. They must include a separate title page with the title of the paper, name(s), affiliation(s), and full contact information for all authors. The body of the paper should contain a second cover page without any author identification. A 150-word abstract with no author identification should be placed on the third page. Adhere to the latest edition of the American Psychological Association’s Publication Manual.

  3. Proposals for panels, symposia, and workshops should describe the activity and length of time requested.

  4. Submitted papers and proposals shall not have been published or presented previously.

  5. At least one author must join ASBE, register for and attend the conference and personally present their paper at the conference. No more than 3 papers per author will be included in the program.

  6. The Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ASBE) will be given first and full credit as publisher for all papers presented at the Annual Conference.
  7. All papers and abstracts of panels, symposia, and workshops presented at the conference will be published in the conference Proceedings. Authors of competitive papers may elect to publish a 200-500 word abstract of their paper instead of the entire paper. Only full papers will be considered for the Best Paper award.

    BEST PAPER AWARD: The best paper will receive an award, will be recognized on the ASBE website, and is automatically submitted to the Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship to be considered for publication.

    Register for the ASBE Conference ($100 for ASBE only; additional FBD registration is required) through the Federation of Business Discipline’s website: