"Reducing Entrepreneurial Fear of Failure Thorough Mindfulness" by Raghavendra Sode and Kalaa Chenji

Reducing Entrepreneurial Fear of Failure Thorough Mindfulness


The study inspects mindfulness practices to reduce entrepreneurial fear of failure and further test the mediation effect of positive reappraisal between mindfulness and entrepreneurial fear of failure. Startup entrepreneurs registered with incubators were targeted through email, explaining the concept and importance of mindfulness. The participants were administered mindfulness program short version for 7 days by a trained instructor. Data was collected pre- and post-mindfulness intervention to examine the proposed model. Entrepreneurial fear could be reduced by practicing mindfulness, further, it also proved that positive reappraisal partially mediates the between mindulness and entrepreneurial fear of failure. The study proved that through practice of mindfulness an entrepreneur can overcome the fear of failure and pursue the entrepreneurial activity to become a successful entrepreneur. The study explored untouched aspect of reducing the fear of failure through mindfulness-based intervention and contributes to the entrepreneurial literature.

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