"Ethics of Politics and Religion in Counseling" by Michelle Dobson


The 2014 ACA Code of Ethics informs counselors of the need to avoid imposing their personal values and beliefs on their clients. There is a general messaging through academics and mental health professional associations of the inherent oppressiveness in Christianity and the conservative political ideology. As a Christian, conservative, counselor, and educator, I have found a need to keep my personal life separate from these professional settings. During the 2020 presidential election cycle I began to question whether I could ethically be in this profession while maintaining my personal values and beliefs. I found clients struggling to have conversations with those of opposing views. I noticed, as many have noticed, this country is polarized, and the division cannot stand for long. This article provides a glimpse into this journey. Ethical standards are defined and examined in view of political and religious views. Current research and literature are provided. Personal and professional experiences are shared. Finally, recommendations and personal reflections are added. It is hoped this article will open the conversation regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion for all people.



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