"Perceptions of Emergency Remote Teaching" by Katie Daigle, Tammy Dannehl et al.



Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program transitioned from a traditional format to emergency remote teaching (ERT).

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to ascertain faculty and student perceptions about teaching and learning online.

Methods: A qualitative study was conducted with a set of four standard questions asked in focus groups about perceptions of online teaching and learning. The participants were BSN faculty and students from an upper level nursing course. These sessions were recorded and transcribed. Themes were developed from the data.

Results: There were three faculty focus groups (N=18) and two student focus groups (N=28). All participants identified barriers to effective teaching and learning during ERT. Both groups also identified positive aspects of ERT.

Conclusion: Positive aspects identified will be reproduced if the necessity arises. Barriers identified will be used to plan improvement if ERT is reinstated in the future.



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