Content Posted in 2019
An Interdisciplinary Approach for Treating Children with Cerebral Palsy, Magen Keys and Connie Lewis
Collaborative Allied Health and Nursing Interprofessional Health Education: Beginning the Journey, Anita Hazelwood, Lisa Delhomme, and Scott Sittig
Impact of an Educational Intervention on Faculty to Faculty Incivility, Sandy Bailey
Mentorship and Evidence Based Practice with Athletic Trainer Preceptors: An Overview, John Roberts Jr and Jessica R. Dolecheck Dr
Prebriefing: An Effective and Efficient Strategy to Maximize Simulation Based Learning, Ashley Krebs and Susan Lacey
Spring 2019 College of Health Studies Research Symposium Abstracts, Susan Lacey
Spring Into Health: An Interprofessional Education Health Fair, Savannah Parker, Cassie Crew, and Savannah Posey
Student led interprofessional activities: A case of collaboration between student National Pharmaceutical Association, Student Nursing Association, and the National Kidney Foundation, Alexis Horace, Roxie Stewart, and Craig Lavespere
The Effect of an Online Concussion Education Program on Knowledge Retention for High School Football Coaches, John D. Boudreaux and Jessica R. Dolecheck Dr
The Effects of a Yoga Intervention, Karen Arrant